Mr Dave Hogan (LSC)
Mob: 0417 356 815
Mr Terry Lobjoit (LSC Ret)
Mob: 0414 706 309
The event will be Stableford, (0 – 9 handicap will play stroke).
Event |
Entry |
Male | $55.00 |
Female | $55.00 |
Age Code |
Description |
00 | Open |
Venue, Date & Time
GOLF is to be conducted on Friday 25th October 2024 at Rossdale Golf Club, Sixth Ave Aspendale.
Ph: 9580 1008 Website: rossdalegolf.com.au
Time: 12.30pm Hit off. Be there 30 min before play.
Full club house facilities available.
Special Instructions
Competitors MUST wear approved golf attire as required by the club (refer to their web site).
Competitors MUST have an AGU approved handicap.
Competitors MUST have a doctor’s certificate to hire a Golf Cart.
There will be a snag in bread prior to hit off, (included your entry fee).
Drink cart will operate during the game.
R & A Rules apply.
Grades may vary due to numbers in each grade.
Max Hibbert Memorial Trophy - Best Stableford score.
Brendan Crimmins Perpetual Trophy - “A” Grade Gross.
Silk-Miller Team Shield - Country v Metro (VicPol only).
Teams & Individual Events
You are now required to enter and pay online for both individual and team events i.e. payment is now required for both individual and team events.