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Patrons Message

With planning underway for the 2024 Victoria Police and Emergency Services Games, an updated Patron's Message will be uploaded prior to the launch date. For now please enjoy our Patron's message for the 2023 Games below.

2022 produced another successful Victoria Police & Emergency Services Games with 30 different agencies from across Victoria being represented. I congratulate all those who trained – or perhaps just turned up! – to test themselves, have fun with colleagues and enjoy a little healthy competition between work areas and organisations.

We are looking to maintain this momentum and reach a target of 3,000 participants for the 2023 Games. I challenge everyone to find an event that showcases their skills and fitness, and their enthusiasm. This Games we will introduce the event of sailing, which will be hosted by the McCrae Yacht Club and should bring a new group of competitors into the fold!

We also welcome Emergency Management Victoria and Safe Transport Victoria as affiliated agencies with the Victoria Police Games Federation, which demonstrates how this tournament continues to grow in significance and involvement. I’m not sure of the sporting calibre within these agencies, but I suspect they will be preparing to make a good showing at their inaugural appearance...

The Games will be held from 27 March to 3 April 2023 in venues across metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria. This is a great opportunity to take a break from the sustained demands that all emergency services personnel have been under in recent years – sport and recreation play such a vital role in maintaining our fitness, mental health and comradery.

I acknowledge and thank all members of the Games Committee for the effort they put in to organising this tournament, as they have for every Games over the last 41 years, and I congratulate them on continuing to develop
this major event.

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at various events – good luck!

Shane Patton APM

Chief Commissioner

Victoria Police